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Affiliate Marketing is a kind of marketing practice in which an individual or organization promote other people’s or company ‘s  product  on their website or blog and make sales or benefit for them. In return for each customer or sale, affiliates get some compensation based on performance.

Typically, commission rates will be based on a percentage of the total sale value(e.g. 10%), but some cases it can also be a flat fee for a transaction. Commission rate or affiliate payout is set by the merchant.



It’s free. There is not any registration and management fees.

Because of our small independent network and team, we’re able to minimize our commission and give you the maximum allowed payouts. We also guarantee to match or pay out more than any other network.

We will pay electronically(bank transfer or via paypal) all your confirmed commission’s payments once you will complete USD100 minimum payment threshold. We make at least one payment per month (i.e. on net-10 EOM payment term).

Within the merchant directory under the campaigns tab, you can apply to any affiliate programme as per your website’s traffic. After approval, use the unique tracking link to publish to customers.



If you have an e-commerce or travel or business website where you offer products or services online or you just need to increase your business, then YES, you can be a merchant.

No registration, set-up and campaign maintenance fees. It’s free of cost.

We will share a monthly conversion report of the previous month or you can also share it with us(it depend of you) by end of first week each month. From that report you can approve or reject all last month’s sales as per your actual database and can calculate commissions accordingly to raise monthly invoice to be paid.

We will do it for you. We manage and handle all affiliates and other partner payments, making accounting on your side simple and straightforward. You just need to make one payment to us and we take care of dispatching payments to all your affiliates on time.